Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow | boolean |
None. |
AllowDesigner | boolean |
None. |
AllowExternalEmbeddingWrapper | ScriptSafeExternalEmbedding |
None. |
AllowMasterPageEditing | boolean |
None. |
AllowRevertFromTemplate | boolean |
None. |
AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate | boolean |
None. |
AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow | boolean |
None. |
AllowSelfServiceUpgrade | boolean |
None. |
AllowSelfServiceUpgradeEvaluation | boolean |
None. |
Audit | Audit |
None. |
AuditLogTrimmingRetention | integer |
None. |
CanSyncHubSitePermissions | boolean |
None. |
CanUpgrade | boolean |
None. |
ChannelGroupId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Classification | string |
None. |
CommentsOnSitePagesDisabled | boolean |
None. |
CompatibilityLevel | integer |
None. |
ComplianceAttribute | string |
None. |
CurrentChangeToken | ChangeToken |
None. |
CustomScriptSafeDomains | Collection of Object |
None. |
DisableAppViews | boolean |
None. |
DisableCompanyWideSharingLinks | boolean |
None. |
DisableFlows | boolean |
None. |
EventReceivers | Collection of Object |
None. |
ExternalSharingTipsEnabled | boolean |
None. |
ExternalUserExpirationInDays | integer |
None. |
Features | Collection of Object |
None. |
GeoLocation | string |
None. |
GroupId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
HubSiteId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
HubSiteSynchronizableVisitorGroup | Group |
None. |
Id | globally unique identifier |
None. |
SensitivityLabelId | string |
None. |
SensitivityLabel | globally unique identifier |
None. |
IsHubSite | boolean |
None. |
LockIssue | string |
None. |
MaxItemsPerThrottledOperation | unsigned integer |
None. |
NeedsB2BUpgrade | boolean |
None. |
Owner | User |
None. |
ResourcePath | ResourcePath |
None. |
PrimaryUri | string |
None. |
ReadOnly | boolean |
None. |
RecycleBin | Collection of Object |
None. |
RelatedGroupId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
RequiredDesignerVersion | string |
None. |
RootWeb | Web |
None. |
SandboxedCodeActivationCapability | SandboxedCodeActivationCapabilities |
None. |
SearchBoxInNavBar | SearchBoxInNavBarType |
None. |
SearchBoxPlaceholderText | string |
None. |
SecondaryContact | User |
None. |
SensitivityLabelInfo | SensitivityLabelInfo |
None. |
ServerRelativePath | ResourcePath |
None. |
ServerRelativeUrl | string |
None. |
ShareByEmailEnabled | boolean |
None. |
ShareByLinkEnabled | boolean |
None. |
ShowPeoplePickerSuggestionsForGuestUsers | boolean |
None. |
ShowUrlStructure | boolean |
None. |
SocialBarOnSitePagesDisabled | boolean |
None. |
StatusBarLink | string |
None. |
StatusBarText | string |
None. |
ThicketSupportDisabled | boolean |
None. |
TrimAuditLog | boolean |
None. |
UIVersionConfigurationEnabled | boolean |
None. |
UpgradeInfo | UpgradeInfo |
None. |
UpgradeReminderDate | date |
None. |
UpgradeScheduled | boolean |
None. |
UpgradeScheduledDate | date |
None. |
Upgrading | boolean |
None. |
Url | string |
None. |
Usage | UsageInfo |
None. |
UserCustomActions | Collection of Object |
None. |
Context | ClientRuntimeContext |
None. |
Tag | Object |
None. |
Path | ObjectPath |
None. |
ObjectVersion | string |
None. |
ServerObjectIsNull | boolean |
None. |
TypedObject | ClientObject |
None. |